I love doing the Pamper Parties, and although I've been asked to do them for younger children, I personally don't feel they are particularly suitable for under 6's. I've always loved Disney and the magic that surrounds the Princesses, all with their own stories of hope to tell. Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White as well as the later additions, Jasmine and Rapunzel all feature the magic of a happy ending. My daughter had her 5th Birthday lunch with the Princesses at Disneyland Paris, and I loved it....Beautiful dresses, happy music, sparkle- just what little girls (and not so little girls!) love.
I love letting my business almost evolve by itself, taking opportunities when they present themselves. I happened to mention on Facebook that I was thinking about coming up with a Princess party, and a friend booked me there and then. Perfect. All that was left to do was to come up with the party structure, buy in resources and of course work out that perfect Happy Ending.
My best ideas seem to come over strong coffee and chat so a friend and I brainstormed ideas and after weeks of tweaking, I finally have 'The Princess Party' and my new sub business 'Princess Parties Oxfordshire'. There will be dressing up in beautiful sparkly costumes, some art and craft activities and of course music and dancing. Prince Sebastian will make an appearance to wake the Sleeping Princesses, perched on the end of my hand, and of course, we will have a Happy Ending with the girls 'Graduating' from 'Princess Academy'.
My life over the past month has been consumed with Christmas and Princesses. I can't complain! The beautiful boxes have been bought and packed with all things Princessy and sparkly, the music has been chosen and the party bags made up. Monday is launch day- the first Princess Party, and I honestly cannot wait. I will let you know how it goes...